I'm just a small guy
And I know I could be
Doing more things at my age
Than my body lets me
Doctors say that I'm sick
That it's getting worse
I feel lost
And I cry
And so often, it hurts
I hurt when I'm moved
Just a little too fast
Or when it's too loud
Or I can't catch my breath
I hurt in my body
And I don't understand
I just came here to love
And you're all my friends
So my mom holds me close
And helps with my pain
My dad says, "Hey Bubba!"
It brightens my day
Please talk when you see me
And know that I hear
I understand all your words
It helps so much that you're near
I can feel your love
Even though I'm in pain
Please know that it helps
Your efforts are not in vain
Put your hand on my head
Then take a deep breath
Close your eyes
Say "I'm here"
"It's alright"
And just know
That's enough
We babies in pain
We know that you're trying
It's hard to know what to do
When they say we are dying
Hug my mom and my dad
And my big sister, too
Sometimes she cries
Cause she's still little, too
Just give them some love
That's a big gift to me
'Cause love flows like a river
In my family
Written for Auggie by his Grandma Kerry
When God calls little children
to dwell with him above,
We mortals sometimes question
the wisdom of his love.
For no heartache compares with
the death of one small child
Who does so much to make our world,
seem wonderful and mild
Perhaps God tires of calling
the aged to his fold,
So he picks a rosebud,
before it can grow old.
God knows how much we need them,
and so he takes but few
To make the land of Heaven more
beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult still
somehow we must try,
The saddest word mankind knows
will always be "Good-bye."
So when a little child departs,
we who are left behind
Must realize God loves children,
Angels are hard to find.
Author Unknown
I'll lend you for a little time, a child of mine, God said.
For you to love the while he lives and mourn for when he's dead.
It may be six or seven weeks, or thirty years or three,
But will you, till I call him back, take real good care of him for me?
He'll bring his charm to gladden you, and should his stay be brief,
You'll have his lovely memories, as solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return.
But are lessons taught down there, I want this child to learn.
I looked the world wide over, in my search for teachers true,
And from the throngs who crown life's way, I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate me when I call around, to take him back again?
I fancy that I hear you say, "Dear Lord, Thy will be done,
For all the joy the child has wrought, all faithful risks we run.
We sheltered him with tenderness, we loved him while we may.
And for the happiness we've known, we shall forever grateful stay.
But you came around to call for him, much sooner than we'd planned.
Dear Lord, forgive our grief, and help us understand."
Author Unknown
Some things I'd like to say
But first of all to let you know
That I arrived okay
I'm writing this from Heaven
Where I dwell with God above
Where there's no more tears
Or sadness there
Is just eternal love
Please do not be unhappy
Just because I'm out of site
Remember that I'm with you
Every morning, noon and night
That day I had to leave
When my life on Earth was through
God picked me up and hugged me
And He said I welcome you
It's good to have you back again
You were missed while you were gone
As for your dearest family
They'll be here later on
I need you here so badly
As part of My big plan
There's so much that we have to do
To help our mortal man
Then God gave me a list of things
He wished for me to do
And foremost on that list of mine
Is to watch and care for you
And I will be beside you
Every day and week and year
And when you're sad
I'm standing there
To wipe away the tear
And when you lie in bed at night
The days chores put to flight
God and I are closest to you
In the middle of the night
When you think of my life on earth
And all those loving years
Because you're only human
They are bound to bring you tears
But do not be afraid to cry
It does relieve the pain
Remember there would be no flowers
Unless there was some rain
I wish that I could tell you
Of all that God has planned
But if I were to tell you
You wouldn't understand
But one thing for certain
Though my life on Earth is o're
I am closer to you now
Than I ever was before
And to my very many friends
Trust God knows what is best
I'm still not far away from you
I'm just beyond the crest
There are rocky roads ahead of you
And many hills to climb
But together we can do it
Taking one day at a time
It was always my philosophy
And I'd like it to be for you too
That as you give unto the World
So the world will give to you
If you can help somebody
Who is in sorrow or in pain
Then you can say to God at night
My day was not in vain
And now I am contented
That my life it was worthwhile
Knowing as I passed along the way
I made somebody smile today
So if you meet somebody
Who is down and feeling low
Just lend a hand to pick him up
As on your way you go
When you are walking
Down the street
And you've got me on your mind
I'm walking in your footsteps
Only half a step behind
And when you feel the gentle breeze
Or the wind upon your face
That's me giving you a great big hug
Or just a soft embrace
And when it's time for you to go
From that body to be free
Remember you're not going
You are coming here to me
And I will always love you
From that land way up above
We'll be in touch again soon.
P.S. God sends His Love
Author Unknown
May you be blessed with peace,
And your joys increased,
Protection from above,
Filled with God's abiding love;
A shower of grace,
An absence of sorrow,
And in it's place,
Hope for tomorrow.