Haley & Brytannia's baby brother
In late April of 1998, we found out that Erika was pregnant.
It was difficult but it was our little secret. We knew that we needed to test
for Krabbe's. Our odds were 25% that he would, but of course 75% that he wouldn't
be affected with Krabbe's. June 1st, Erika went for her first OB/GYN appointment
where she asked to have a CVS Test done. They went ahead and performed her first
sonogram which showed her at 9 weeks 1 day. Our doctors prefer not to do CVS
Testing until at least 10 weeks so we scheduled the CVS Test for June 10th. We
were told the results would be ready by Friday June 12th at the earliest and
Monday June 15th at the latest. Erika was very nervous but we held it together
(barely). The CVS Test went great and Erika didn't even know the doctor was
doing it until it was over. Friday came and went and we knew we had to wait the
weekend. Monday came and we found out that Dr. Wenger was in Italy and couldn't
be reached so the results would have to wait until Wednesday (6/17). We were
frantic...but we now have a healthy young man.
Jonah is a great little boy. He loves to play with trains and cars, all the things little boys do. He loves to fish with daddy and to play outside in their sandbox. Jonah is a really great little brother and big brother. He always blames Justin for making the mess or for playing in the toilet when the floor is all wet and so is Jonah. Jonah has been such a blessing in our lives. He has so much of Haley's determination in him that it scares me sometimes. He is a little man with just a great smile.
CVS Testing
The CVS test is preferred to be done between 10 - 12 weeks gestation. This procedures involves inserting a catheter into the developing placenta to draw enough tissue to be able to send to the labs for testing. The catheter is inserted vaginally rather than through the stomach. This makes it far more comfortable than amniocentesis which can be very painful. Not all patients can have CVS Testing because of placenta placement on the uterine wall. Please ask your doctor for more details.
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